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a provider of environmental solutions

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coming soon …

a provider of environmental solutions for packaging companies

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our business

we design attractive biomimetic biodegradable bottles for SME bottlers in LatAm

our designs define brand, create emotions
we are the bridge between consumer and brand

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the future

a New Plastics Economy

social conscience is driving demand for more sustainable packaging and plastic consumption... a ‘New Plastics Economy‘

an ESG company

as and Environmental, Social and Governance company, we enhance the positive feedback and brand awareness from consumers and the global public

an R+D+i company

the food and beverages sector is in a rush to innovate and add new technologies to comply with new consumer demands... we provide it

LatAm beverage market

the soft beverages market had an increment of 52% between 2013 and 2018 in LatAm, from $51Bn to $78Bn

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our team

CEO - Vilchez, Lihue Unelen_edited.jpg


B.Sc.E. Electromechanical, UTN, with design and innovation skills and experience in technological development and ventures

COO & CFO - Miras, Silvana Lorena_edited.jpg


PhD in Chemical Sciences, UNC, and Accountant, UCH, with training in Bioeconomics and extensive experience in B.A.

CTO - Pighin, Agustina Ayllén_edited.jpg


Advanced B.Sc.E. Chemical student, UNL, with extensive knowledge and experience in the development and behavior of polymeric materials

PM & BA - Jofré, Valentina Celeste NEW_edited.jpg


B.Sc.E. Industrial, UTN, with extensive knowledge of project management and B.A.

CMO - Rossini, María Sol.jpeg


B.Sc.E. in Natural Resources & Environment, UNLPam, with extensive knowledge of anthropogenic environmental impact and experience in waste management and reduction of ecological footprint

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